Friday, May 11, 2012

Facebook IPO Further Delayed For Market Rigging

FB IPO?  When? 
I'm beginning to wonder how long this is going to be now for the Facebook (FB) IPO which was supposed to be on May 18, 2012 but continues to be delayed.  CNBC is demonizing the company now along with other media sources who are bashing the company for a multitude of reasons as more and more questions and concers arise not only with Facebook but with other companies.  Personally I think there is a very large scandal of insider trading on Wall Street that is about to be exposed as some questions arise with not only Facebook but other stocks such as JPM and CHK. 

More and more analysts are rising up and saying that investing today is an absolute impossible task with the combination of market speculation and volatility.  Although it was pure speculation it turns out that my suppositions about the Facebook (FB) IPO turned out to be reasonably accurate.

Be on the lookout for very threatening market conditions.  The choices for investing are coming down to--I'm almost afraid to say--GOLD and SILVER.  Stay tuned:
