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Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Rev. Franklin Graham announces that America is in trouble: PRAYER MARCH ON AUGUST 26 IN WASHINGTON D.C.
*****Reverend Franklin Graham URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT*****
******PRAYER MARCH AUGUST 26, 2020*****
Reverend Franklin Graham is concerned about the state of America surrounding COVID-19 and all the social and political unrest and he is announcing that our nation is unraveling in light of many perilous current events. Join Reverend Franklin Graham at NOON in Washington D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial for the 2020 PRAYER MARCH. Only God can change our nation and turn it around. America needs to get back to God. We need to come together and do this in Jesus' name..
Pastor and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will also be there...
Rev. Franklin Graham also had some comments on the recent events surrounding Jerry Falwell Jr. at Liberty University...
With all the people of God and people of faith coming together in this Judeo-Christian-New Age mixed multitude, surely God will hear our prayer and heal our land: