Sunday, June 2, 2019

Gary Yantis W0TM died on November 27, 2016 at his home in Shawnee, Kansas

*****W0TM PASSED ON*****

Gary Yantis is now a SILENT KEY

His last video got my attention:

God & Lucifer


I used to visit on the telephone every now and again with Gary Yantis.  I would listen to him for a long time tell me all manner of stories.  Never met him in person but there's a chance we will see each other in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I remember he didn't believe on Christ or God when we used to talk but in this last video of his he mentioned something I never expected to hear.  Though he didn't elaborate on it he now said he was a Christian and he mentioned the contrast between God and Lucifer.  I think something changed with Gary before he died.  I sure hope so: