Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Devils and unclean spirits everywhere today: Evil men and seducers waxing worse and worse:


*****and it shall get WORSE and WORSE*****

****according to the scripture of truth****

GMS ISRAELITES, women Pastors, beyond male and female with LGBTQQIAAP, false teachers, false prophets, brute beasts, false Israelites, lewd fellows of the baser sort, false accusers, false brethren, wicked men, high places, false gospel, false Christs, fake news, culture of chaos, TRUMP #MAGA CHURCH CULT,...and much more...

Should any of this surprise us true believers?

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Today we have all manner of evil men (and evil women) and even blends of LGBTQQIAAP and every abomination imaginable going on.  It absolutely grieves me to see it yet I rejoice to see the Day of Christ approaching. And to that I say: Even so, come Lord Jesus:
