Monday, September 17, 2018

The Crypto Con Men: Jsnip4, Bitcoin Ben, Dick Allgire, Bix Weir, and more...


The INIQUITY of TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS is not yet full...

This is the fruit of their labor:

These (I hesitate to even call them 'men') con men are also known as TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS.  They've been conning people about gold, silver, and now BITCOIN & LITECOIN.  Now that they've run out of things to do they spend their wealth running around with their abundance of idleness and sport themselves while feasting on their profits.

It actually may go a bit deeper than this.  This could be an indication of more GOVERNMENT WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE.  I just don't want to get too overly CONSPIRATORIAL about it: