Monday, May 28, 2018

MEMORIAL DAY USA: President Trump LIVE at Arlington Cemetary



Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
-ROMANS 13.7

Although we are living in a day where evil men and seducers are waxing worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and when distress with perplexity is on the rise across our nation; we take time to give some honor to whom honor is due on this MEMORIAL DAY.

The next generation in many ways gives no regard to the foundations of our nation and seeks to destroy it as ENEMIES OF AMERICA have infiltrated even our own citizenry.  There is a growing disregard for our Constitutional Republic and very often the National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner), the Pledge of Allegiance, and our oaths of office and oaths of enlistment are met with only lip service and even rank disrespect by those who seek to place their culture in admiration rather than our country.

We are living in the LAST DAYS and even though I am happy to be an American I see clearly that the scripture must needs be fulfilled and I seek the kingdom of God rather than the kingdoms of this world.  As the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled we Americans who are Christians are often openly mocked, cursed, and derided by our fellow countrymen and know that in heaven we have a better and an enduring substance.  We seek the city of God to which we can say even so, come Lord Jesus.

May God have mercy on us while we walk by faith in our nation and give us the grace and mercy to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.