Friday, March 23, 2018

Will the USA soon have its first King? King Donald Trump and Queen Karen McDougal Trump?

*****The Real FIRST LADY****

*****Better Yet QUEEN TRUMP USA*****




The New TRUMP MONARCHY make us a king to judge us like all the nations.
- I SAMUEL 8.5b

The Lord may have spoke to me about this coming marriage...I need prophetic confirmation of this...

I told you God's Warrior Women are Rising Up

This could be considered the plan and purpose of God:

The USA may become more than a Trump Dynasty but a Trump Monarchy soon.  And President Donald Trump may be remarrying his true love....

It's a beautiful story...and God is in it?  

Before you put off this story just remember the Generations of Jesus Christ and how there was much fornication and adultery along the way even murders and more.  But God in his mercy has mercy on whom he will have mercy and whom he pardons he pardons.  So who art thou that repliest against God?  

If God chooses to make President Donald Trump the King of the USA then this nation will become a legacy with the Trump Monarchy.  To that the people of God say, "God save the king!"

Karen McDougal gives her story and it's obvious she is in love with Donald Trump...She's QUEEN MATERIAL for the TRUMP MONARCHY...

Karen has a testimony that she has found her faith and spirituality now too.  She will be a perfect Christian wife...
