Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel wants his crotch groped by 18 year old women

Worship the CROTCH

America and the world are worshiping the CROTCH:

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
-Hebrews 13.4

It's not just Jimmy Kimmel but it's Harvey Weinstein and Ice Poseidon on YOU TUBE and others who are basically in bed with HOLLYWOOD and are worshiping the DIVINE CROTCH: 

SCAT PORN, BDSM, BUKAKE and other practices of lasciviousness are now becoming more normal as we are launched into the new normal of the New World Order:

YOGA and all manner of eastern religions are advancing this also as a form of NEW SPIRITUALITY and ENLIGHTENMENT: