Monday, November 21, 2016

Wild Bill For America: Just another false teacher and preacher

Wild Bill stands as the Apostle Paul in the Synagogue of Satan:

Was he invited for Shabbat Service?

Come on Messianic Christians and Christians!

Can you not discern the teachings of Wild Bill for America?

Wild Bill visits the Baruch Hashem Congregation of Bunnell, Florida which is a CORPORATION.  Maybe they'll made him a CEO for a nice NON-PROFIT SALARY?

"I believe that we have been chosen by God to be his representatives during the most important days in the existence of the USA."
-Wild Bill for America

Wild Bill for America is ALL HAT and NO BRAINS.  He's also ALL HAT and NO GOSPEL OF CHRIST. 

I'm watching Wild Bill preach the gospel of the U.S. Constitution instead along with American Heritage.  I'm surprised that many are beginning to lack discernment on these matters.

Or maybe Christians aren't supposed to be persecuted in the good old USA and if so we have to fight for our rights and maybe even take sides in a civil war?  I'm waiting to see who it is that's going to rise up and lead the revolution now.  Will it be Wild Bill for America on his horse leading the cavalry?  Maybe we will all have to get our muskets out now for another trip down history lane?

Let's have a look at what Baruch Hashem Messianic Congregations are.  They are Messianic Synagogues.  Very interesting concept in regards to the scriptures:

What is Christian/Judaeo faith?  I'd like a verse of scripture on that one:

So get ready for a really convincing form of godliness and religious Christianity that is going to woo many into further destruction and perdition of ungodly men.  They preach another gospel which is not another and they are building on the foundation of America which is rebellion.  

Or are these our spiritual leaders that are going to blow the shofar and lead us into the promised land?  You decide bunky:  

Jews and Gentiles are coming together...We need to learn the feasts of G-d.  Can you praise the L-rd?  Time to make America great again.  Perhaps America is Israel too?  Just blow the shofar!

Let's go to SET FREE CHURCH in Daytona for a word from the Lord.  CHURCH at the SALOON? :-) LOL. Yea!  Show us your tits bitches!

