Tuesday, November 1, 2016

W2VJZ Irwin L. Richardt better known as "Irb" He was an American Farmer

The way of the USA is not going as originally intended:

That's why Irb W2VJZ came to mind today:

Someone ended up saving his farm

And wouldn't you know:

They call it "Sons of Liberty Farm"


And so Irb died December 22, 2006 and I thought THE GOVERNMENT TOOK OVER HIS LAND AND it might be a beautiful strip mall now or business park:

Well what I thought was wrong:  According to this report Irb's farmland was saved and is now called Sons Of Liberty Farm:

I remember back when I used to talk to Irb on ham radio I never completely understood what he was ranting about when it came to the U.S. CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.  I know more now though by experience as I watch our nation dissipate into The New World Order.  I'd sure like to talk about some things with Irb now given the current state of affairs in our dying USA: