Monday, November 14, 2016



This ANTI-TRUMP MOVEMENT is growing:

There are already all manner of NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS being created that are creating jobs.  You could become part of this as a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER and perhaps even GOVERNMENT GRANTS would be established for these organizations and donations can be made to support charitable organizations.  So the move is on to create more SECTION 501(c)3 NON-PROFITS and create a new voice across America and perhaps even a new POLITICAL PARTY more in step with the rising CULTURE OF CHAOS:

Many of our UNIVERSITIES and HIGH SCHOOLS are condoning these things now and students can spontaneously walk out of school and express their freedoms and liberties which are protected by the U.S. CONSTITUTION to do all manner of civil disobedience even to the point of assaulting others, causing property damage, and making various domestic terror threats against anyone who disagrees with their opinions.  It looks like the next generation funded by George Soros and the rest of these Millennials have some career potential ahead of them and a bright future:

Even our LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS express their support as these groups shut down city street and highways to march and chant in large coordinated groups expressing themselves and their ideas to further their cause.  LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS even STAND DOWN when things turn violent and threatening and assaults on lives and property are being conducted by these alleged peaceful protesters.  

It's a NEW DAY across America now.  Will it change on INAUGURATION DAY 2017? Time will tell.  In the meantime get used to it and move out of their way.  They are under a different set of rules than the rest of We the People: