Thursday, October 6, 2016

Unavoidable ECONOMIC COLLAPSE begins through the ELECTION 2016 season


We are learning that the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE will really accelerate soon as the signs of this are everywhere but have not necessarily been felt due to major market manipulation and central bank intervention.  The house of cards however is about to collapse and great shall be the fall of this system.  Are you prepared for this?  If you're not then you need to start paying attention to various key messages:

HURRICANE MATTHEW is going to be a trigger for some problems already evident across the southeastern and east central coastal regions of the United States and people should pay specific attention to FOOD and the TRUCKING INDUSTRY.  Our infrastructure is falling apart and is very vulnerable at this point:

Some say the recent price decline in GOLD and SILVER is creating a very important buying opportunity for the precious metals and should be taken as a buying opportunity to make preparations for emergency financial solvency and survival funds:
