Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Brother John F throws us a little CRUMB OF COMMENTARY in time of need

Thank you so much Brother John F

Just in time to help us through the TRUMP election

I suppose you're not voting you ENEMY OF AMERICA?


Can we watch you draw some more TRENDLINES?

Where's that MACD and $100 Silver you forecasted 5 years ago?

And how's the BITCOIN INVESTING going?  If you can't beat JPM and GS you're probably shorting /SI with them on TD AMERITRADE aren't you Brother in Christ John F?

You're a faker John F!  You're a fake Christian and a fake American just like the fakers of Ron Paul and Rand Paul whom you've advocated.  Now there's a real American Donald Trump and you call this a FAKE ELECTION?  This is the most REAL ELECTION America has had for centuries!  Finally we have some REALITY in this election!  And this is what you Libertarian retards were supposed to want and yet you don't like it?  I think both Liberals and Libertarians both have MENTAL DISORDERS!  Don't vote you loser!  YOU LOSE CHI CHI!  
