Saturday, October 1, 2016

President Obama was born in Kenya and that's final

*****You queer anus lickers need to hear this*****

First hand account of THE BIRTHER CONTROVERSY from Street Evangelist Tim Berends who visited Kenya:

It seems Donald Trump has now changed his mind about Obama's BIRTH CERTIFICATE but Sheriff Mack has not. Either way I have a friend of mind who gives us his personal experience with visiting Kenya himself.  LISTEN CLOSELY:

More about Kenya:

The point is we have these enemies of America who have changed the laws to their own favor. These OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATORS need to be removed from their positions and sent to Kenya with Obama.  But I'm not sure if even Kenya wants them there.  Many Africans don't want anything to do with America's African Americans either.  They don't want Obama's homosexuality or the LGBTQIA CULTURE either in places like Uganda.  I wish we had some of these real African Americans here in America not the ones who promote the rap music and Niggas, bitches and hoes.  The REAL AFRICAN AMERICANS are these.  And many of them appear to be Christians:

The big production in America is our new CULTURE OF SODOMITES and SEX PERVERTS who now are gaining more rights while those of us who don't promote these abominations are held in contempt as deplorable people.  WATCH THIS:

