Thursday, October 6, 2016

NEWS AGENCIES are working hard to discredit GOLD and SILVER

NASDAQ says GOLD is of no use to our society:

Prepare for more GOLD and SILVER destruction;

No one even wants these metals anymore

There may be a move on now to fully discredit the use of GOLD and SILVER.  Maybe they will even take them off the the FUTURES MARKET?  That would be interesting. 

We will probably see the prices of GOLD and SILVER become totally useless and turn these metals into such dead collectibles as BEER CANS and STAMPS.  Prepare for GOLD and SILVER destruction:

There are only a few remaining SILVER and GOLD experts left on YOU TUBE which are basically leftovers from the Ron Paul Libertarian movement.  They are also falling apart. Their messages don't even sound professional anymore yet they keep on pumping:
