Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump is a SEXUAL PREDATOR according to Michelle Obama

Why does FLOTUS sound so scared while she talks?

Is it because she's actually lying for her husband and Hillary?

Many of us are worried about our children after we heard Donald Trump...?  Who's worried?  You worried?

Something is very wrong here folks!

Methinks the FIRST LADY Michelle Obama should go analyze more of the rap music and artists across America.  Maybe we even need some hidden cameras in the NFL and other locker rooms across the country?  

This has gone totally nuts!  I'm looking forward to the day when God shall judge the secrets of men according to the gospel of Christ.  They won't have the mainstream media and the unjust justice system to protect them anymore:

So Donald Trump is an insult to decent men everywhere.  Just where are all these decent men? President Obama must be a decent man just like Bill Clinton and John McCain and all the decent men of the NFL locker rooms too.  How about those rappers are they decent men?  and women too?
