*****Is Donald Trump a borderline DOMESTIC TERRORIST?*****
President Obama lambasts REPUBLICAN PARTY over Donald Trump
Will President Obama have to step in and take executive action?
If Donald Trump is a threat to national security he may need to be removed:
"There has to come a point in which you say, 'Enough!'"
--President Barack Hussein Obama
President Obama is concerned with Donald Trump and now declares him to be UNFIT FOR THE OFFICE OF U.S. PRESIDENT. Something has to be done about Donald Trump because he's a potential threat to our national security. Recently many have even indicated that Donald Trump may be suffering from some kind of mental illness. Perhaps he will be diagnosed and treated soon and utterly removed from his position as the Republican Nominee for U.S. President:
It's nice to see our President step in and say something because his first priority is to keep the American people safe. I feel mush safer when an oath of office violator steps in and takes appropriate and common sense security measures to keep us all safe here in the U.S.A. Perhaps if needed some kind of executive action will have to be taken on the Republican Party: