VOTE Trump in 2016!
Watch Donald Trump in Daytona Beach, Florida...
Listen to what Donald Trump says about the money being shipped to Iran to the tune of $400 MILLION. And this is only the first installment. We the People of the U.S.A. have been humiliated by not only the Obama administration but by many years of oath of office violators who have put America on the path to destruction and perdition.
There are many ghost stories about Trump but The News UNIT does not believe them. The enemies of America are lashing out at him on every side yet the more they afflict him there more he multiplies in the polls and grows his campaign support. I plan to be pulling the level for Donald Trump on ELECTION DAY 2016. Let's make America America again!
Some of you who read The News UNIT are my perpetual enemies and you have done me wrong in real life. You are enemies of America and you know who you are. Those of us who are real Americans and actually support our police, believe in and support American values and have tolerated you lawless troublemakers for too long now we are waiting to see your day coming when Donald Trump is elected. You don't scare any of us with your stories about Trump being a Hitler, higher taxes, a military style law enforcement or any such nonsense but it only shows your express fear of a man who will clean up this country and set you all on the run. Good riddance for you liberals! I enjoy watching you all squirm and give yourselves away.
Many of you enemies of America are going to be revealed more and more as this campaign continues. You cannot keep your mouths shut on issues and very often give yourselves away while masquerading under the guise of being ultra-conservative and even professing to uphold the U.S. CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS. You are all liars every one of you! And there are two words for you--YOU LOSE!
Watch Donald Trump live in Jacksonville, Florida TODAY...