That's why the VIX (the fear index) is falling:
But is this lack of FEAR good or bad?
But is this lack of FEAR good or bad?
MMT Trader Michael Norman explains why he has no fear in the markets today and operates with total 100% confidence:
Those that are in denial continue to spew news on the coming economic collapse:
We have loads of the old Ron Paul followers who were active during his campaign for U.S. President that continue to preach sound money, the U.S. CONSTITUTION, and ending the Federal Reserve Bank. They also claim an economic collapse including a U.S. DOLLAR collapse along with a major gold and silver rally is always coming and everyone is going to experience nationwide gun confiscation, martial law, and FEMA CAMPS at Walmart stores:
Some say many of these fear advocates who are always reporting on the coming economic collapse are doing very well on YOU TUBE making money and that's ultimately what they are all about. They refer to themselves as ALTERNATIVE NEWS and are constantly manufacturing new conspiracy theories often on a daily basis. But then are these CONSPIRACY THEORIES or CONSPIRACY FACTS?
So who is telling the truth in the news?
A closer inspection of what is really going on however might surprise you: