Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Trump LIVE on CNBC

******MEDIA just tried to finish off Donald Trump LIVE*****

America is totally doomed now for sure!

This nation shall be destroyed!


Scott Wapner and Becky Quick just ripped into Trump

Trump actually held his ground and ignored their insults

This could lead to some serious trouble across America

The Trump Campaign is now in peril

The LIVE INTERVIEW was unlike anything I've ever seen:

Someone needs to record this entire CNBC CROSS EXAMINATION being done on Donald Trump LIVE.  This is an embarrassment to our country as this country and our media seeks to destroy Donald Trump and turn the nation over to the enemies of America.  Very sad! 

We have reached a point where the mainstream media runs (or should I say ruins) America and you can watch them do so this morning on CNBC with Donald Trump.  They are trying to interrupt and discredit Donald Trump to the best of their ability and destroy the GOP campaign now putting the final nails into the coffin of chaos and confusion:
