Monday, August 8, 2016



From wars and rumors of wars to the coming economic collapse and other potential disasters either man made or otherwise, we are on the cutting edge of some very potentially dangerous calamities.  Reports all over the place are surfacing and are being downplayed by the mainstream media as radical conspiracy theories that hold no credibility.  So we have to take a look at the news and find out for ourselves what is really going on here because something is just not right:

There is a growing amount of discussion recently concerning the true underlying conditions of the U.S. economy and that of the world markets.  Regardless of the official reports and numbers a closer look at what is really going on is revealing some very troubling fundamentals that if world bank intervention can no longer overcome may revert to natural market forces that may result in unavoidable consequences:  

Investors and those concerned with their survival are now beginning to take these reports seriously and are taking action by making plans and acquiring supplies for the soon coming financial crisis and currency reset: 

We the People to bail out the mistakes of crooked politicians

NOTICE how rich men oppress the hirelings and the taxpayers in our wages after they have created INSOLVENT CREDIT CONDITIONS through years of incompetent financial decisions.  So what do they plan to do to save the pensions of their government workers?  Tax the rest of us and raise our utility bills to raise money for their insolvent pension funds:
