5 MILLION Americans own an AR-15
Do you feel safe in America today?
After the Orlando GAY NIGHT CLUB shooting massacre the AR-15 is once again under fire and is being falsely described again as an ASSAULT WEAPON, a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION, one of the most DESTRUCTIVE GUNS THAT EXISTS, etc.
The price of AR-15's is expected to rise 300% and more over this very soon:
SOLUTION: Let's make a new U.S.A. where guns are allowed and another where the U.S. CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS has been repealed and guns are not allowed at all. Perhaps we are already heading that way as States may secede from the Union:
We are also being told that owning an AR-15 is not a constitutional right to bear arms:
We are also being told that owning an AR-15 is not a constitutional right to bear arms:
And so this attack could have been thwarted? Is it really the AR-15's fault?