Wednesday, May 11, 2016

GOLD and SILVER Preppers and Pumpers are backing off from their ECONOMIC COLLAPSE messages

Oh look we are in an ORGANIZED ECONOMIC COLLAPSE already:

The reality of economic improvement is setting in now with the doomsday preppers who have been making loads of YOU TUBE EPISODES preaching economic collapse.  They finally realize there will not be an economic collapse.  Even Donald Trump knows this and whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton becomes president the economy should continue to do well with even its rising debt balance:

A few are still trying to instill their message of fear but the majority of Americans understand that all is well with our economic recovery and even real estate is back in force again:

For you conspiracy junkies you can listen to these videos and sleep well.  The sensationalism of YOU TUBE can massage your mind. :-)

Is a collapse coming?  NO.  There's already a global collapse that is already happening:

Most people are not informed like Michael Norman is about the ECONOMY and the STOCK MARKET.  Economic Pundit Michael Norman knows what's going on apart from all the misinformation of the doomsday preppers:
