SILVER is undervalued means BUY BUY BUY
Investors should be paying attention to this if silver is undervalued, especially for VALUE INVESTORS. If there ever was a commodity that was priced low then it must be SILVER. Some say SILVER is already beginning to run low with mining and availability of the resource may show some immediate signs of shortage in the next few years. Meanwhile attempts are being made to substitute SILVER with GRAPHENE however SILVER has it's own natural properties that GRAPHENE does not have.
Industry is in for a big shakeup ahead where SILVER may play an important role in many things not limited to electronics but for water desalination and purification on a larger scale as large scale drought is spreading across America from California through the Great Plains and Midwest. Even large aquifers and reservoirs are drying up and silver may be needed to convert sea water into drinking water across our nation.
The uses for SILVER may surprise you after some research but remember you don't have to buy the physical commodity. There are several funds and financial tools to choose from as this sector of the markets begins to gain attention for investors and begins to make headlines: