I'm just back from the hospital again here...
As many of you know I'm recovering now from HERNIA SURGERY and I'm not having a fun time with this actually even though I've tried to make some light of it on here. At the same time I'm tuning into all these chat rooms and everyone is really fixated on SILVER and GOLD for the most part here.
So I wanted to mention briefly here my own opinion on what is going to happen to these markets through let's say 2015. Here it goes:
So I wanted to mention briefly here my own opinion on what is going to happen to these markets through let's say 2015. Here it goes:
- I believe first of all that this market is entirely run by central computer command centers (use your own imagination)
- The DJIA is going to get so volatile after it hits 20,000. I do not think the INDEXES will crash and will just continually go higher along with the DJIA.
- The US DOLLAR will continue to strengthen but the middle and low class people of America will not notice a bit of difference, even at the gas pumps.
- If a MAJOR WAR or something flares up next it's coming to the U.S.A. mainland this time. Nations are fed up with America and when you see the sign of foreign nations no longer needing America for it's education industry then look out.
- You have no choice but to trust the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and stay with the program. If there is a crash you just have to remember it will affect everyone else involved so you're not alone.
- All the analysts are all over the place and it's best not to listen to them. Oddly enough it's best and safest to listen to the FED, the ECB, and avoid too many talking heads whether on CNBC or YOU TUBE.
- The News UNIT is expecting GOLD and SILVER pumpers to lose their minds.
- Get out of GOLD and SILVER physical and just keep a small collection
- If you have to play with GOLD and SILVER do it in the paper markets. Regardless of all the ghost stories this market is safer than the false claims against it.
- If you trade equities get in and out and only stay long on the larger caps and recent larger IPO companies. I think the equities are going much, much higher.
- You might consider going long on the US DOLLAR in the futures market.
- Most important SAVE REAL CASH. The FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are still LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS both PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Have you noticed how you're treated as a potential criminal for having a few too many of these? Yes, I believe trouble is coming but until it comes you have to use REAL MONEY. GOLD and SILVER really are not real money anymore regardless of the arguments.
- For those of us who trust God and are in Christ Jesus we might not like some of the things going on in this current distress with perplexity, but nevertheless we see Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Even so, come Lord Jesus. (this probably doesn't apply to the majority of you)