There are already suspicions that the U.S.A. invented and spread EBOLA and is now using it as a biological warfare agent. Some say even Monsanto is involved in this. If so it may be coming right back on this nation perhaps as the judgement of God by the nation that inscribes "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our money.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not this next war worldwide that's coming is certainly going to be a religious war as nations rise up against nations. You cannot get around it since death passed upon all men in Adam and this present evil world is full of evil men and seducers who wax worse and worse. Most do not seek after God and God is not in their thoughts.
I have no hope in Obama or any world government peace talks. My hope is in God who made heaven and earth. Even so, come Lord Jesus. And soon the man of sin the son of perdition will be on the scene.
There are already suspicions that the U.S.A. invented and spread EBOLA and is now using it as a biological warfare agent. Some say even Monsanto is involved in this. If so it may be coming right back on this nation perhaps as the judgement of God by the nation that inscribes "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our money.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not this next war worldwide that's coming is certainly going to be a religious war as nations rise up against nations. You cannot get around it since death passed upon all men in Adam and this present evil world is full of evil men and seducers who wax worse and worse. Most do not seek after God and God is not in their thoughts.
I have no hope in Obama or any world government peace talks. My hope is in God who made heaven and earth. Even so, come Lord Jesus. And soon the man of sin the son of perdition will be on the scene.