Thursday, September 11, 2014

Police in Houston tackle and arrest high school girl for CELL PHONE USE

3 tough Houston cops in action at Sam Houston High School

It was all about a CELL PHONE 

"A cell phone is so much better than a gun.  With a gun you can defend yourself but with a cell phone you can record your own demise."

Cops now tackle and arrest minors in High School for CELL PHONE VIOLATIONS?

The USA POLICE PROBLEM is now even becoming more dangerous than I originally thought.  Good thing we have some video surveillance of this.  It will be more interesting when the media interviews the 10th grad girl who is being arrested here.  Parents are now becoming more aware that your children are being protected and served by police even in high school.  I hope that makes everyone feel safer.

Watch the video of 14 year old Ixeo Perez and her interview below.

Just remember these CELL PHONES are a real threat even in the hands of a 14 year old lawless high school student as seen below.  
