Friday, July 11, 2014

WALL STREET rushes into the US DOLLAR


Traders and investors are going long the US DOLLAR now as the currency has proven itself to be the world's leading financial reference and its strong world reserve currency status.  The Federal Reserve Bank led by Janet Yellen continues its tapering policy and most analysts expect an all around strengthening U.S. economy.  The job market will also improve as a vast amount of illegals rush into the U.S. aided by the Obama government to fill many jobs across the entire U.S. industrial complex helping companies to improve profits through decreased wages. 

CNBC is also suggesting that investors and traders are beginning preparations for a market correction and are taking defensive positions which also lead to a strengthening US DOLLAR:

GOLD and SILVER sells off

GOLD and SILVER become a short play now for traders as a marked weakening trend in the metals industry is realized and the economy improves with lessening fears of economic crisis and world conflict.   Some analysts expect the metals may lose more of their value against the US DOLLAR and perhaps may drop as much as 50% over the next few years.  Demand for the metals showed a sharp decrease and short interest continues to increase.  

