Monday, July 21, 2014



Beware of GOLD and SILVER community activity

The GOLD and SILVER pumpers are surfacing again

They are ready to do much mischief...

We are now beginning to see some patterns on YOU TUBE where the pumpers are creeping out of the closets again.  They have been marketing 1oz. silver coins now for extremely inflated prices and have been having feeding frenzies on newcomers and various investors unaware of their antics.  Even PCGS and NGC grading companies have been participating in some questionable grading activities and so forth.  It seems we are on the cutting edge of something big again for the GOLD and SILVER community.  At this point it's probably best to just remind everyone to pay attention.  And especially BUYER BEWARE!

I'm watching all these channels now and various other people with great interest after hearing that someone got ripped off mightily in one of our chat hangouts.  We have some miscreants in the "truther community" and "silver community" that seem to want to make merchandise of people.  I'm wondering what kind of name all this will give the coin collecting and numismatic community.   Even various alternative news reporters and the YOU TUBE TRUTHER gang are giving me the creeps lately:

Stay tuned...
