Friday, May 30, 2014

Lindsey Williams' latest UPDATE

*****CALL TO ACTION*****

Update: 22nd May 2014

I have received an update from Pastor Williams who has told me “I do have some very interesting NEW information. The statement by my Elite friend which you posted has been confirmed by two other people – My Wall Street insider and a visionary (Christian) in Connecticut.

I have been given the plans (Agenda) of the Elite for 2015. Multiply the events of 2008 many times over and that is what is about to happen.

Hopefully I will have a statement before long. I am trying to decide how to tell it. The Elite are ready to bring in the New World Order in its entirety.

People MUST take action to combat the Elite and let them know we have had enough.”

Pastor Williams followed up with another email and he stated “One of the most fascinating things I have found out is – Elite Riot Control. Another is – Cycles of seven. Even the Blood Moons fit into the scenario.”

I will add more when Pastor Williams updates me further…