Alex Jones has seen Hell and exposes evil
John B. Wells joins the show...
Alex knows more about THE NEW WORLD order than almost anybody:
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Alex Jones teams up with John B. Wells as he fights the evil that he says is revealed in the Bible. It sounds like these patriot activists are really exposing the evil government now and are getting ready for a revolution complete with water filters, Diamond Gusset Jeans, and freeze dried food. You better get prepared. And get the best prices on GOLD and SILVER at Midas Resources. Also don't forget to load up on the right IODINE, household security systems, fake TV's, Berkey and Pro Pure water filters (get both), Atwood rope, all sorts of T-SHIRTS, health food supplements, Christmas gifts, and many other necessary things for survival:
John B. Wells at [TIME 01:35:50] in the VIDEO BELOW: