Sunday, March 3, 2013

Florida Sink Hole Home Demolition Begins

Forced Demolition Compliance 

How would you like this done to your house?  We will now find out what this hole actually looks like and how this house is constructed.  Anyone nearby go get some footage of this and start a YOU TUBE channel.

So far I don't like this story but I'm not going to call anyone a liar yet.  I have to hope that people are not being dishonest but I do not like that there was no urgency in the rescue attempt by fire or rescue.  At lease there did not appear to be any rescue urgency which really makes this all look frustrating:

The Conspiracy Crowd Rages On

I also don't fault those who are frustrated with this operation and have other concerns with the entire Gulf coast region and events that have occurred there over the last year and various other threatening sink hole reports.   All this coupled with a government that continually sets out to destroy America is making people more aware of things they may have overlooked in time past:

Since we have a government that continually is setting out to steal, kill, and destroy we the people with their open attacks on The U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights the only checks and balances that remain are we the people taking it upon themselves to report news and information and question the integrity of those we are supposed to trust in their official capacities. 

Where is this SINK HOLE?

It is difficult to tell where it is.  There is still no hole visible.  People are getting upset and who can blame them? 

Neighbors Kicked Out Of Their Homes

The neighbors were given 20 minutes and kicked out of their homes too.  This is unreal.  Forced compliance to leave your residence.  They should advise people of the danger and leave them to make their own decisions:

Quitting Time For Today

They will finish the job tomorrow with a back hoe.  No hole visible yet:  More important to fence off the properties now and SECURE THE AREA.  It's always good to know everything is SECURE in our SECURE STATE:
