Monday, March 4, 2013

Florida Sink Hole Disaster Reveals More Information

What is really going on here?

The demolition of this home began earlier today.  Once again people are wondering who's telling the truth: 

Look at the floor plan of this home.  They are telling people (last I heard) that that sink hole is 30 feet wide or 30 feet in diameter.  They also say it's anywhere from 60 feet to 100 feet deep or so.  Well look at this FLOOR PLAN:

Watch the slide show at this LINK: 

More on this was sent to me from a reader below:

Florida sink hole
Check out the slide show ... shows the dimensions of the house 7th pic ...NO WAY a 30' diameter sinkhole would fit in there.

3rd pic ... Bracken Engineering ... and Response Team ...
Click on ABOUT US .. hit Licenses & Certification ..
Then check out Staff .... click on the owners name ...
These are not the Barney Fife squad the news makes it look like.

Interesting ......

"Within a mile of Mr. Bush's home, which apparently sits atop a 100-foot-wide cavern, are 16 verified sinkholes"

"Humans can [destabilize karst landscapes] by drawing down water tables or irrigate too much.. I did a google bird eye view of the street ... no fire hydrants, I'll assume well water.

"Sinkholes affect so many properties in Florida that the legislature in 2011 changed the law to make it harder to claim sinkhole damages."

"Over the years the [sinkhole] costs to insurance companies have been increasing at an extraordinary rate, because the legislature prevented companies from charging rates in line with the risk," says Mr. Randazzo. "It finally reached the point where the insurance companies won the day and got the legislature to change the law, significantly weakening the sinkhole protections in the state of Florida."

Not sure what to make of this ... the sink hole does not fit in the house, let alone walls still standing, the only thing inconsistant in the news is the depth, the diameter is always 30' ... the news makes it look like morons are in charge insead of experts ???? Impossible they do not know what is underground.

Ya, I Know ... too much info.