Friday, February 1, 2013

NFL to make football safer for Obama

Hope and Change

 What we're doing to make our game safer

Making the world safe for democracy through blowing up and killing other countries; making the country safe for our children by disarming we the people; and now making football safer for Obama:

You watch and hear this one for yourself as NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell appeases Obama on making football safer.

What a bunch of fools and effeminate men this nation has become.  But God forbid one of the players says he doesn't like gays in the locker room and he has to apologize later for his comments.  This is exactly what happened to 49ers cornerback Christ Culliver when he commented on his opinion of gays on the team:

Is everyone bowing to King Obama now?

Watch NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell bow to Obama's recent suggestion about how dangerous football is:
