Hollywood Mafia Assaults We The People
It's the AR-15 that causes mass shootings
---Bruce Willis, Hollywood Director and Actor
Meanwhile our government by popular opinion, talk show hosts and media propaganda will continue their assault on we the people along with the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights.
We have the enemies of we the people working overtime to destroy America while many Americans don't even notice. The culture gets all revved up by the entertainment industry and criminals (even those masquerading as LAW ENFORCEMENT) gain more freedom to assault we the people:
The enemies of America inhabit Hollywood
Hollywood cries out for banning guns and uses the term "we as a people". It should be obvious that the Hollywood Mafia is part of this anti-American government of popular opinion polls, talk shows, and mainstream media propaganda. Notice Hollywood doesn't use the term "we the people":
"we as a people" vs. "we the people"
"If we as a people don't act after Sandy Hook then what's next? If we as a people don't act after Sandy Hook then we as a people are broken."
---Adam Scott, Actor
"...we live in a nation that creates a culture of violence and that is what we've accepted. But when Americans come together and stand up and say enough is enough and we're not going to take it anymore and we're going to act in a civil way, then this legislation perhaps is the first thing that needs to occur."
---Martin Luther King III
Get real! Hollywood is a lie!
The enemies of America want to disarm we the people. Hollywood is a Global Mafia of Organized Crime Syndicate: