Monday, October 1, 2012

Remember the giant sucking sound?

Now Ross Perot has even more incredible warnings to Americans who for the most part are wrapped up in free Obama-PHONES and Obama-CASH for Egypt.  Also many Americans think the Democrats are for the poor while the Republicans are for the rich.  This is dumb America at it's climax now and it is about to tip over the cliff:

So much of America has lauged at the men like Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Ross Perot and now the country will move into a phase of destruction never before realized as the Obama administration cozies up to more global dictators while masking their agendas with this deceptive pseudo-democracy campaign.  

Take in the picture below and just think for a moment: 

Would it surprise anyone if in less than 2 years the U.S.A. is transformed into a complete dictatorship nation?  It's certainly on course--RIGHT NOW! 