What do you think?
I wonder if there are very many people in America that are actually taking a walk like this and thinking. It might do good once in a while to just get out and smell the air a bit. What do I think? I don't think the leaders in the current government movement want any of us to do just that---THINK.
I also think God is going to wipe the United States Of America (as we used to know it) off the face of the earth and it will become a byword and a proverb now as he judges this nation.
Not too many people care to examine God's word and see what he did to Israel. So many claim those "banksters" are "filthy perverted Jews" that run the government and the world. If the Jew actually is corrupting things here then God might just have a little judgement reserved for the "Good 'Ol U.S.A." soon. I really think the set up for "The Strong Delusion" is coming very soon and that man of sin the son of perdition will be revealed.
If the STOCK MARKET goes up, the cost of living goes down and I find a good job and make good money would I change my mind? No I would not! Things are not going to get better even if this nation remains rich and increased with goods. The scripture shall be fulfilled.
Study the STRONG DELUSION: http://www.blessedquietness.com/journal/prophecy/strong-delusion.htm
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.