Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oklahoma Hospitals Turn Against Citizens Taking Tornado Shelter

Oklahomans may be turned away from seeking storm refuge.  Can you imagine this?

Remember when certain buildings had the old Civil Defense placard and were encouraged to be used to take shelter during emergencies?  Well now officials and even Emergency Managers are expressing their "concern" for people taking refuge in hospitals during dangerous tornadoes.  They tell you now to ride it out in your bathroom and hope for the best.  Even though the hospitals and other buildings have extensive underground tunnels and so forth it's better to leave them empty and create more restrictions.  Is this for your protection?

Here's just another example of government going mad as they turn against Oklahomans for the very few times they come to take refuge in a sturdy underground hospital shelter.  Now you can expect RESTRICTIONS and perhaps even armed guards turning the people away.  Can you see grandma with her walker being turned away only to walk back to her car and get hit by an approaching tornado?  How about anyone else for that matter?