Wednesday, April 11, 2012

George Zimmerman Arrested and In Custody

2ND DEGREE MURDER CHARGES to be brought against George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin...developing...
There's some decency being shown here by the Trayvon Martin family and friends.  Let that be a lesson to all the troublemakers who were mouthing off about their RACE RIOTS and THREATS OF VIOLENCE.  Those of us who are Americans regardless of color stand together and pray that our legal system would do what is right and just according to the law in this matter: 

Trayvon Martin's parents speak out on what they would axe George Zimmerman...

White people are being intiminated...

INFOWARS sources reported he wouldn't be arrested...
(I wonder if the guy in the paisley shirt was in the other room when they did the interview?)