Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bob Chapman on The World Business Meeting in Davos

Bob Chapman really busts his tail on making radio shows.  Many of us heard the obscure ghost stories about him and hiding in Mexico but why this guy gives a care with so little listener audience is intriguing to me.  He's no slouch and after we lose some news and comment from the few guys like this we have left all we have is the younger generation of dummies that don't listen but know how to run their mouth.  

I think it's time you show someone The News UNIT and tell them to pay attention to all the Bob Chapman posts here.  Learn something or suffer the consequences.

If I sound annoyed you are rather observant.  The thing is when I see so little VIEWER COUNTS on this guy's videos I realize he's only reaching one little town in the entire United States Of America.  I'm not trying to build The News UNIT for my benefit; I'm trying to do my part to get this information out.  Can you please do yours?