He just makes too much sense...
Or is this just another Ross Perot?
Would Ron Paul give free reign to sodomites and abortion? Seems to me sodomites are moving right along in their freedoms even since Ron Paul is not president. More and more "same sex marriages/unions" are exalted today and abortion seems to be unabated. Also there is the "marijuana" or "dope" issue where law enforcement and things like "D.A.R.E." are really mocked at while even police and B.A.T.F. officials (and air traffic controllers) do illegal drugs (called "recreational drugs") in their free time.
Maybe Rick Perry would bring back a righteous and "Christian" nation? He was recently reported to be a sodomite by Alex Jones. Did he recently repent and get right with the Lord? Or is this all vicious personal attacks?
Who will be right for the U.S.A. so we can lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty? I doubt anyone really:
"...he needs every opportunity to make a fool of himself. The problem is, much that he says is more sane than all the other candidates..."
Rick Perry makes a fool of himself and even looks to Ron Paul for help but Ron Paul is just another Ross Perot? I think things are different this time around and it might do us good to listen to Ron Paul with things that pertain to liberty and the U.S. Constitution. Otherwise we continue with the two party media endorsed dictatorship:
Notice how Michele Bachmann tries to make a fool out of Ron Paul regarding alleged terrorists, murder, and due process.
Here's a look at Rick Perry and his knowledge of government:
Did you notice how Rick Perry looks to Ron Paul for guidance as if he's going to help him out.