Sunday, November 27, 2011

BrotherJohnF's Confusion

Is anyone dizzy yet?

...$68 to $100 to $21.50 and $27.00 to now above $50 again...


BrotherJohnF and others are continually trying to give a technical analysis in uncharted and manipulated territory of today's electronically manipulated market.  You might as well throw darts at a dart board and see what you come up with in all these prices:  He's been all over the place with $21.50, $27.00, building a base above $50, $68 to $100, etc.  People are treating silver as if it is some kind of MARKET INDEX.  Maybe James Turk or John Embry will have a dollar value forecast update soon on King World News?  Here's what Jim Sinclair said recently about charts and outlooks:

from Jim Sinclair’s Commentary:
"I am always amazed by how bearish people become because of lines and squiggles on their charts at what could easily be the head fake of all time. Personally, gold is the only asset that stands to survive a Euroland unwind. The contagion in the financial sense would be global. Hold you insurance regardless of how prestigious the newly converted bear is."
