Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunters Watch This Deer

Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.  ---GENESIS 9.3

I hunt deer and I don't take a big thrill in killing animals.  Watching this deputy take care of this yearling was kind of neat actually.  Most deputies responding to car deer accidents dispatch the deer.

I almost wish I could hang around in my tree stand and come down and pet that big 12 pointer with drop-tines.  Some day when this curse here on earth ends and the lion lies down with the lamb those of us in Christ's shed blood will all be with the Lamb of God the Lord Jesus Christ.  I just wonder how that will be then when the last enemy to be destroyed is death.  Even so, come Lord Jesus.

In the meantime I'll shoot them animals and eat them but there's a greater part in me that absolutely abhors it.  For now we have dominion over them but I'll be glad when this is all changed.

Just remember Christ died and shed his blood for our sins according to the scriptures and he was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.  Right now this is the way it is and until that changes you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul. 

Deer hunting today is a big joke.  Many of us (not all of course) over the years have just been raised to "go out and kill something".  I myself can remember just going out to shoot deer for alleged sport.  Now if you shoot a doe or a smaller racked buck you are treated with contempt by most hunters who have a lust for and a desire to kill big bucks just for their horns scoring a Pope and Young or Boone and Crocket score.  It is so enjoyable just to watch them out there too actually without shooting them.  

My dad told me in the service there used to be a sign in the mess hall that read "TAKE ALL YOU CAN EAT, BUT EAT WHAT YOU TAKE."  Think about that next time you squeeze your bow release or pull the trigger.

The slothful [man] roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man [is] precious.  ---PROVERBS 12.27