Sunday, August 14, 2011

A load of blabber and blather

This interview starts out with an obscure story of deportation of a Brazilian with no background information or facts and then all of the sudden we are all under draconian tyrannical behavior by the government?  Get real!  
"...yea it's an interesting perspective, let's get on with why we are really here to pump some mining stocks, gold and silver and blab about leaving some legacy to our children..." 

This is the NIA cartel running out of things to talk about so they have to throw a lousy interview up once in a while to make it look like they are some legitimate source of information to their listeners.  Barf!

Here's a little link to Tekoa Da Silva (Da Silva eh?) and his YOU TUBE channel where he interviews David Morgan.  So here is where David Morgan hides out then and I notice David is pumping gold now more than silver and promotes his book and "The Morgan Report".  So gold is more safe now than silver and David states he is not going to be a huge apologist of silver.  More confusion!
I'm starting to find many of these videos exceedingly boring and lifeless: