Sunday, June 5, 2011

Threatening Market Crash Continues

Stash Some Cash.  The downside remains...

The News UNIT Observation:  I'll be posting some things that I usually do not post here for those who browse my blogspot.  If you don't like changing market conditions and you think traders should remain attached to your ideas or directions you need to go listen to the NIA crowd and Sprott pumpers.  We are in the decline Marc Faber mentioned 6 weeks ago now which will probably dip the market 20% off it's recent highs.  GOLD and SILVER are going down but GOLD seems to be holding and may surprise us as SILVER really takes a plunge even into the mid to lower 20's.  Why COPPER is so demanded by thieves today is beyond my understanding around $4 per pound.  Platinum and Palladium are acting like "rare earths".   Looks like a great position to continue SHORT this week in many categories.  I like it actually. :-).  The rest of the decision is up to you.  If this bothers some of you then you need to learn how to trade the market and not follow some of the advice of others who try and make merchandise out of you.  If this is not for you then stay in cash right now.  Your cash is not trash: