Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sgtbull07 big Interview coming later today

I'm putting this guy on THE SCAM WATCH LIST for myself.  Don't trust him anymore.  I don't trust that whole gang that was on the big SILVER TELECOM either with David Morgan about a month ago.  That was a big farce!  I predict we will hear another silver prediction video somewhere between $100 and $500 by 2013 and more flattery.  

It's always entertaining to listen to the NIA gang now as they seek to fight against the ALMIGHTY US DOLLAR:  I also suspect the delay in uploading this big important interview is constructed to receive more hits and money from YOU TUBE.  I suspect he might be part of the NIA scam artists.  If so we will probably hear more from Peter Schiff soon.  Has anyone noticed since Peter Schiff took them to task that gang has backed off on videos?  If he's not another bullion dealer scamster I'd like someone to convince me otherwise: