Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Silver Shills Everywhere

And these SHILLS go both directions:

I'm an auctioneer so I know what a "shill" is.  If you don't know the definition look it up.  The SILVER SOOTHSAYERS are good at saying "I TOLD YOU...." or "LIKE I SAID..." and for some reason many of them want your FIAT as in "YOU KNOW HOW TO THANK ME".  I have had enough of these SHILLS that prey on the small investor.  They act like they were right no matter what the market does---barf!  They will now be exposed:  Always do the OPPOSITE of what these SHILLS tell you (but not right away):
The SHILLS are telling you to buy PUTS now.  GO F*** YOURSELF TOO F**ktard!  You have these people follow you right off a cliff.  

The following SILVER SHILL has BEARS on his video for a reason.  He is a BEAR all the way: 

Like I said...

Buy the Paper PUTS, and average in on the physical. I am loaded up on SLV puts, sold 80% my calls yesterday at $44

If SLV ever says they are raising the margin on it, LIGHTS OUT. We will have $30 spot by noon time.

Protect yourself. I hope I'm wrong (not really, since I could use another 5K ounces for shits and gigs)