Thursday, May 5, 2011

Main News: Gold, Silver, Oil, and US Dollar

Analysts now admit precious metals more "safe haven"....end game?

GOLD below $1500 again as SILVER SINKS below $35.  

CRUDE OIL below $100

US DOLLAR IN RALLY MODE.  Here's some rally music for the US DOLLAR:

At this rate SILVER will be back in the TEENS.  It will blow through the 20's like they aren't even there.  We will just sit back and wait for the shorts to go away.  Might as well join the JPM party and get in short...I actually sold much of my physical today since I feel they are taking this back to the starting point again...please don't hate me but these charts won't stop now....even JPM is going down...developing... 
If JPM was going up I would have considered hanging onto physical but not with this current waterfall....yikes!....