Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jim Sinclair raises GOLD PRICE TARGET again to $17,500 
And the way things are going he's probably right on.  I've been watching this chart lately and if you take an honest look at the situation you can expect things to start moving again.  Silver may take one more slight dip (scary for some) into the upper 20's say around $27 or so and then it may consolidate all summer.  But just a few months ahead when we're not looking it's going to take out $75 in a flash.  

I'm going to take a trip this year and visit some dealers and stop by some mining companies.  I also want to visit the "Tar Sands region" of Canada and slip down into Mexico for a peek at some things.  Hopefully we will not have travel restricted due to unreal fuel prices or some ridiculous situation.