Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Major Commodities Scare

Are you scared?

Dan Norcini reports today that there is a major commodities scare apparently being implemented by a Goldman Sachs report recommending clients to book profits on their long positions:

So run to the US Dollar as a "safe haven"?  Go ahead!  Take a closer look at the US Dollar here:

What is this guy talking about?  He should be reading The News UNIT blogspot for the latest information :-).  Nevertheless hear what he has to say about JPM here and keep an eye on Wednesday's events:

Here is Saturday's King World News "Weekly Metals Wrap" AUDIO REPORT for review: http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2011/4/9_KWN_Weekly_Metals_Wrap_files/KWN%20Weekly%20Metals%20Wrap%204%3A9%3A2011.mp3

Also it would do well to review a few other recent reports:

Lindsey Williams: http://thenewsunit.blogspot.com/2011/04/lindsey-williams.html

I think we are witnessing a "controlled descent" of the US DOLLAR and that will continue with the usual bumps along the way.....
